Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Unit 4 Physics II Day 15: Newton’s Laws in Everyday Life

Today, we will identify how everyday examples connect to Newton’s 3 laws of motion.

What words are associated with each law?

1st Law: motion, rest, unbalanced force, remain.

2nd Law: mass, acceleration, force.
3rd Law: action, equal , opposite, reaction.

Let’s Try as a Class

Mr. Miller pulls up next to Mr. Schmidt at a stoplight. They both rev their engines and take off as soon as it turns green. However, Mr. Miller’s car accelerates much more  faster than Mr. Schmidt’s larger car.

This is an example of the 2nd  law in action because the heavier the mass the more force it takes to accelerate.

Now You Try With Your Shoulder Buddy

When bouncing a basketball, Eloy starts to wonder why even though the ball is pushing down on the ground, it ends up coming back up.

This is an example of the _________ law in action because ________________________________________

Now You Try On Your Own

1) Ms. Dray is carrying a bag of groceries in the backseat of her car. When she comes to a stop sign, she quickly hits her brakes. The car stops, but the groceries go flying forward off the seat.

This is an example of the ____________ law in action because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2) When swimming in a pool, Jose notices that when he pushes back on the water, he is propelled forward. 

This is an example of the ____________ law in action because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3) A book is sitting on top of a sheet of paper. Diagram below:

This is an example of the ____________ law in action because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4) Payton pulls the sheet of paper out from under the book. The sheet of paper comes out, but the book stays exactly where it is.

This is an example of the ____________ law in action because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4) Alyssa is riding her bike and herbrother asks for a ride. When her brother jumps on the back of her bike, Alyssa notices that it is much harder to get the bike to go faster.

This is an example of the ___________ law in action because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Part One: Finish writing Newton’s three laws of motion.

1) An object in motion will _________________________________________________________________.
An object at rest will________________________________________________________________________.

2) Force = ____________________________________________________________________________________.
An object with more _______________ will take more force to accelerate.

3) Every action has _________________________________________________________________________.


Part Two: Write about a time where you observed one of Newton’s Three Laws of motion in action. Tell which law you are writing about, your example, and how it relates to the law of motion. This should end up being about 5 sentences.

The law I am writing about is the __________ law of motion. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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