Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Unit 4 Physics II Day 14: Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Physics II Day 14: Newton’s Third Law of Motion

The final law of motion (the third one) will help us really understand how
Motion in our universe works!

Summarize Mr. Miller’s example:

Newton’s third law says that every action________________ has an equal and opposite reaction___________________.
·      When you push down on the table, it pushes back up___________-   

·      When you throw____________ a ball forward, you also get pushed backwards-______________!

·      When a bird pushes against the air, the air pushes back__________--!

Today we will diagram these “force pairs__________________.”

1)   Visualize the force_______________ as a push or a pull. Visualize only ONE force!

2)   Using the same force_______________-, decide what else is also pushing or pulling back - always in the opposite____________ direction.

***Don’t let yourself bring in forces that aren’t part of the pair!

3)   Draw a diagram with arrows__________ moving in the opposite_____________ to show these forces.

Let’s Try as a Class

Forces                                                                                                           Diagram

1) A falling acorn.

Action Force: Gravity pulls the acorn down.

Reaction Force:

2) Rowing a boat.

Action Force:

Reaction Force:

Try It With Your Shoulder Buddy

Forces                                                                                                           Diagram

1) Ja’Liyah jumps up into the air.

Action Force: Ja’Liyah pushes against the ground.

Reaction Force:


2) Tennis ball hits the wall.

Action Force:

Reaction Force:

3) Video

Action Force:

Reaction Force:

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