
Chemistry Day 3: What’s the State? Lab CLASSWORK
Click to watch people running on Oobleck!!!!

In today’s lab, we will practice a skill called Justifying with evidence__________________

Think about a time when someone didn’t believe you. What did you do to prove to them that you were right/telling the truth?_______________________________________________

·      Much like in these cases, we must use evidence_______________ to justify_____________ our answer as right.

·      The state of some substances is not clear                                 . In this case, our answer is not as important as our justification! We should

How to Justify with Evidence:

1)   Make observations about the substance
2)   Decide which state___________________it is
3)   Justify using your knowledge_______________ about the characteristics of each state.

Let’s Try as a Class….

Is shaving cream a solid, liquid, or gas?
It is a ___________________________ because:
·      ______________________________________________________________________________________
·      ______________________________________________________________________________________
·      ______________________________________________________________________________________

Mystery State – Oobleck Lab
Click to learn how to make Oobleck
How to make Oobleck:

1) Pour ONE CUP of water into the cake pan.
2) Pour TWO CUPS of cornstarch into the cake pan.
3) Mix with your hands for at least five minutes. Make observations as you mix.
4) Discuss with your table – is the Oobleck a solid, liquid, or a gas?

1.    _________________________________________________________________________________________
2.    _________________________________________________________________________________________
3.    _______________________________________________________________________________________

Final Decision:

It is a _________________________ because ______________________________________________________

Conclusion Questions

1) What surprised you about the Oobleck? Why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Do you think that ALL matter can be easily classified as a solid, liquid, or gas? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________

3) Can you think of another example – or more - of a substance that has an unclear state? Explain.________________________________________________________________________________

4) What advice would you give for people trying to figure out the state of a substance? Discuss with your group and put your best ones on one sticky note and leave on small group table for Mr. Miller to read.

Chemistry Day 3 Lifework: States of Matter pt. 2

1) What state of matter has particles that bump and slide against each other?

2) What state of matter has NO definite shape or volume?

3) What state of matter is easiest to pour?

4) What state of matter can you usually pick up in one piece?

5) What state of matter does NOT have a definite volume?

6) Pick whether each of these substances is a solid, liquid or gas, then justify your answer.

Jell-o is a _____________________________ because _____________________________________________________

Shaving cream is a ________________________________ because ______________________________________

Peanut butter is a ________________________________ because ________________________________________

Coke is a ________________________________ because __________________________________________________

7) Name one substance that could be classified as a solid OR a liquid.

8) Give an example of a time when a gas changes volume.

Chemistry Day 2: States of Matter Classwork

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space (volume).

All matter is made up of atoms. As you know, they are WAY too small to be seen with our eyes. 

When some atoms are bonded (or attached) to each other, they make up bigger particles called molecules.These particles are still too small to be seen with our eyes.

Atom:                                                                         Molecule:

The way molecules move and are attracted to each other causes matter to be in a certain STATE.
Reviewing Solids, Liquids, and Gases

State of Matter






Speed of Particles

Drawing that Represents the Molecules

Drawing of an Example


 fixed shape
 fixed volume

_____________: Particles vibrate in place)


 not fixed
 fixed volume

_____________:  particles move fast enough to overcome some of the attraction between them


 not fixed
 not fixed

move fast enough to overcome nearly all of the attraction between them

Wonderful Water: The Three Different States

Property observations: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Below is a representation of the block of ice. Draw what you think the molecules are doing in the ice.

What happens to the ice when it is poured from one container to the other?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As the ice is melting, is it starting to take up more space? Why or why not?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Property observations: _________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think the molecules in the ice started doing to make it turn into water?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you notice as the water is poured from one container to the other?

Volume: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Shape: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Property observations: _________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the molecules in the water vapor doing? Draw below.

Does the water take up more or less space when it is a gas?__________________________________________________

Did the gas disappear? Is it gone forever?

 Chemistry Day 2 Lifework: States of Matter

   1.)   Draw water in the three different states of matter, and fill in the blanks.

Solid: __________                                    Liquid: water                                     Gas: _____________

2)   True or False:

a)    All matter is made out of atoms. _____________
b)   Atoms that are bonded to each other are called molecules. ___________
c)    In a solid, the molecules stand completely still. ____________
d)   A liquid will increase in volume if placed in a larger container. _____________
e)    A gas has no definite shape or volume. _______________

   3)   Plasmas can be found in _________________
a)    Ocean water
b)   Gold
c)    Lightning
d)   Helium

4)   The state of matter where the molecules have the strongest attraction to each other is:
a)    Solid
b)   Liquid
c)    Gas
d)   Plasma

5)   A gas can change shape and volume because:
a)    The molecules are strongly attracted to each other
b)   There is empty space between molecules that changes
c)    The molecules keep bumping and sliding against each other
d)   A gas cannot change shape or volume.

66)   Use your notes to draw how the molecules in a liquid may look:
Day 1 - Atoms Classwork
Before Reading
·      What questions do you have? Write at least two.
·      Write your best guess to the definition:
Atom: _____________________________________________________________
Element: ___________________________________________________________

To make sure we are learning from our non-fiction reading, we will write summaries of each paragraph. How?

1)   Read and underline scientific vocabulary ____ and their definitions__________.
2)   Look away and ask yourself “What do I know now that I didn’t before__________?”
3)   Write it in a complete sentence (it shouldn’t start with “that_______!”


Now We Can…
·      Write down answers to our first questions
Original Question #1______________________________________________________________________________
Original Question #2______________________________________________________________________________
·      Write definitions for each:
Atom: ________________________________________________________________________________
Proton: ______________________________________________________________________________
Electron: ______________________________________________________________________________
Element: _______________________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Visualizing The Atom
·      The periodic table is going to tell you how many protons_______________an atom has.
·      We draw protons______________and neutrons_____________________in the middle of the model (+ for proton and N for neutron) with electrons_____________________(-) circling the outside.
Let’Try As a Class:
Helium – an element with two protons

Now You Try With Your Shoulder Buddy:
Oxygen – an element with eight protons

Aluminum – an element with thirteen protons

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