Thursday, October 3, 2013

Unit 2 Chemistry: Day 13 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Classwork

Getting Started

Today, we are going to learn about the differences between element, compound, and mixture. To get you thinking, write ONE sentence using each of these words.

Element: ____________________________________________

Compound: ____________________________________________

Separate: __________________________________________

Bonds: ___________________________________________

Properties: _____________________________________________

1. Now You Try on Your Own Check Yo Self:

2. Review Compound, Element, or Mixture with the flashcards below:

3. Take compound, element, or mixture quiz. Retake until you reach 80% mastery. 


Write if each one is an ELEMENT, COMPOUND, OR MIXTURE. Then give two reasons why. 
Silver is a(n) ___________________________ because (at least two reasons) _________________________
Beans and rice is a(n) ___________________________ because (at least two reasons) _______
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a(n) ___________________________ because (at least two reasons) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

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