Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Unit 2 Chemistry: Day 7 Calculating Density

Chemistry Day 7: Calculating Density Classwork

  1. Density is a measure of the amount of matter___________in a given space.
  2. Density is simply how much mass an object has compared to its volume______________.
  3. To find density, we can divide mass____________ by volume____________.
  4. The resulting unit we get is grams per milliliter (g/mL).

1.      Find the mass in grams (g).
2.      Find or calculate the volume in milliliters (mL).
3.      Calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume.

4.      Write the unit g/mL after the amount. 

The data table below list common liquids and their mass and volumes that we observed yesterday in our Rainbow Graduated Cylinder. Complete the data table by calculating the mass of each liquid and the density for each liquid. Afterwards, Use the calculated density values to predict how these liquids will layer by drawing and labeling them on the graduated cylinder diagram. The densest liquid has been done for you.

 Day 7 Lifework: Measuring Density 

1) Write the definition of density: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Fill in the blanks for the formula to find density:






Find the density of the following objects

3) Object 1: Mass: 48 g, volume: 6 mL

Density: _____________ g/mL

4) Object 2: Mass: 22 g, volume: 8 mL

Density: ______________ g/mL

5) Object 3: Mass: 138 g, volume: 12 mL

Density: ______________ g/mL

Answer the word problems

6) Kevin wants to know the density of a golf ball. He places the golf ball in a beaker of water to measure its volume. The water in the beaker rises from 10 mL to 15 mL. He then measures the mass of the golf ball and finds it weighs 55 grams. What is the density of the golf ball?

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